Holiday Gift Guide
You’ve Asked ~ We are (finally) Delivering!

For our first ever Christmas Catalogue, we present to you — a way to invest in the businesses of our moms. Below is a list of what our moms have asked for. But not just as gifts, as business loans. Because empowerment is the name of it all. Our moms don’t just want presents, they want ways to empower their families ~ so that’s what we are doing. The items below represent 7 groups of moms that have come to our team in Uganda with business plans for group businesses complete with a plan, a significant amount of savings already and a group ready to work. Now they need people ready to invest in them. Each loan will be repaid within 3-6 months. Once fully funded, this loans the repayments on these loans will be providing a new loan to another group of moms each month as well. This means within 1 year, 22 loans will have been given out and 10 fully repaid! Now…let’s get shopping!!

BONUS: If you are purchasing as a gift for someone – we will provide a PDF card for you to print for them. I’ll only post one below to keep the others a secret! 🙂