Womens Cooperatives

Everything we do revolves around one simple concept: when women join together in community and are empowered, the whole world changes.
- We empower 100+ women’s cooperatives in 5 subdistricts across the Soroti region. Each cooperative is made up of a group of about 30 women who share their lives and pool their resources to create revolving funds they use to empower one another.
- The cooperatives are mentored by our Ugandan staff and the mamas attend classes at our literacy centers 2-3 times per week. The classes are taught by Ugandan coaches who teach reading, writing, math, hygiene, sanitation, nutrition, agriculture, business training and more!
- The mamas learn together and love one another in true community that provides space for healing and empowerment.
Literacy+ Training
Literacy+ Training

You don’t know what you don’t know….and since many of our mamas were not able to or allowed to go to school as children, their knowledge gap is often what keeps them trapped in poverty. Knowledge, thus, changes everything. Our mamas are offered classes 2-3x per week by training Ugandan coaches who teach reading, writing, math, sanitation and hygiene, nutrition, agriculture, business and more!
Clean water projects

So far we have provided new, clean water sources for 39 of our villages! We have 2 villages still needing a clean water source and are working on second wells for all of our other villages to decrease our mamas’ time spent walking for water and increase their time spent on their businesses.
Each well costs $6,800 and is dug by a local Ugandan drilling company. Contact us today if you’d like to donate towards or fundraise for a new well.
Clean Water Projects
Clean water sources have been provided for 39 of our villages
2 of our villages still need their first clean water source
New wells decrease our mamas’ time spent walking for water and increase their time spent on their businesses.
All of our villages are in need of an additional water source.
Each well costs $6800 and is dug by a local Ugandan drilling company
Click to help fund a well in Uganda