
Core Empowerment

Women meet in groups of 30. Meeting weekly to encourage, empower and pool their resources
to save together and give loans to one another.

Uganda woman

--- gathering 3-5 cooperatives weekly for learning, development, and empowerment from
Ugandan teachers + our staff.

Here, they learn 3 main things:


The Basics

Reading, Writing, Math. – up to 55% of the moms in any given group
didn’t get to go to school even one day of their childhood. This learning represents
not only empowerment but also redemption. Often 80% didn’t graduate elementary


Hygiene & Sanitation:

Learning about how diseases are spread and
prevented and how various projects can be built around their compounds to
prevent the spread of disease. Moms are encouraged to work together to add the 19
elements of a Model Home


Business Training:

Our moms learn everything from profit and loss to customer care
to bookkeeping. They work through an entire business training curriculum written
specifically for the developing world by our partners at Neema Development

Curated Care

Emergency Medical Fund

We provide grants towards emergency medical needs. We
call this our “Orphan Prevention Strategy: Keep moms alive!” (even though we don’t
really use the word orphan – we DO like to keep children from the traumatic even of
being orphaned!). A one-time gift of $250 can save a woman’s life!

Resourcing Medical Clinics

Many of our moms run medical clinics and have even
gone through nursing/midwifery schooling through our educational grants. To change the face
of healthcare, we seek to resource their clinics with equipment or medications. Gifts of
$50 can help provide medicines and machines that cost between $250 and $1500.

Wrap-Around FosterCare

We have 36 kiddos who’ve lost both of their parents and for
whom their clan didn’t immediately find a foster family because of finances. We were
able to step in and make sure finances didn’t keep the right family away. Now, we offer
not only educational grants, but a social worker to walk alongside these foster families.

Specialized Trainings

After going through our entire core empowerment curriculum, our
moms get to request specific training based on areas of interest. Our staff also choose
specific training based on high-yield crops or animals that bring in higher prices at
various markets.

Community Development

Villages need clean water because they are either 1) Walking long distances (up to 6 hours per day) for water or 2) Drinking Dirty Water (and getting sick) currently. By hiring a local company and digging a deep borehole with a hand pump, we can provide clean water for 1,500 people for $6,8000.

We have provided 86 wells so far! This means clean water for approx. 129,000!!! Saving 5 million hours of walking every year!