Consider joining a trip! We head to Uganda 2-3x per year for exciting, mutually transformative learning trips. No, these are not mission or service trips. We aren’t going to “change the world”. We are going to be changed BY the world! We are going to learn from our amazing team on the ground, be inspired by the mamas we serve, dance in the communities that are empowered and play with their kiddos as they show us incredible hospitality and generosity that rocks our world. To join a trip, you must be a monthly donor, be able to pass a background check (to be safe with women and children) and be committed to learning and growing! Costs: typical costs are $800-$1500 flights from the US to Uganda + $2500 ground fees + any needed shots (if you don’t already have yellow fever + typhoid). Dates: January/February + June/July + September/October. (Spring and Fall trips are typically 10 days door to door with summer trips being closer to 2 weeks)
Send Gifts for Leaders
Send Gifts for Leaders
As a part of our annual retreats for nonprofit leaders, we try to love these women doing hard and holy work EXTRAVAGANTLY. One of the ways we do this is through giving them presents every single a night. A basket of gifts that we tell them represents a chorus from around the world singing over them that their work is needed. To give, send 8 of the same items (one for each woman) to our headquarters. Message us to find out more or to make a donation.