
Sponsor a Literacy Center

Sponsor a Literacy Center

Literacy Center Sponsorship starts at $25/ month and covers:

  • The basics (reading, writing and math)

  • Hygiene and sanitation

  • Business training and more!

Give a one time gift today!

Give a one time gift today!

These needed, empowering and healing programs all rely on one time donations like yours. Give today to the efforts below:

  • 52508023_2291844540836974_3015051137528102912_o

    Emergency Medical Care

  • 848_Ogolai_2

    Clean Water Projects

    Total cost of $6800 per well, but you can give what you'd like. Contact us if you'd like to fundraise for an entire well and have a funding page made

  • uganda church

    Special Projects

    This fund covers mamas who find themselves in dire circumstances because of abuse, crime or natural disaster

  • Uganda school children

    School Scholarships

    You can help us bridge the gap to cover school fees for kids who's mamas aren't yet sponsored. Each grant is $45 per school term (3x per year).


Consider joining a trip! We head to Uganda 2-3x per year for exciting, mutually transformative learning trips. No, these are not mission or service trips. We aren’t going to “change the world”. We are going to be changed BY the world! We are going to learn from our amazing team on the ground, be inspired by the mamas we serve, dance in the communities that are empowered and play with their kiddos as they show us incredible hospitality and generosity that rocks our world. To join a trip, you must be a monthly donor, be able to pass a background check (to be safe with women and children) and be committed to learning and growing! Costs: typical costs are $800-$1500 flights from the US to Uganda + $2500 ground fees + any needed shots (if you don’t already have yellow fever + typhoid). Dates: January/February + June/July + September/October. (Spring and Fall trips are typically 10 days door to door with summer trips being closer to 2 weeks)


Consider joining a trip! We head to Uganda 2-3x per year for exciting, mutually transformative learning trips. No, these are not mission or service trips. We aren’t going to “change the world”. We are going to be changed BY the world! We are going to learn from our amazing team on the ground, be inspired by the mamas we serve, dance in the communities that are empowered and play with their kiddos as they show us incredible hospitality and generosity that rocks our world. To join a trip, you must be a monthly donor, be able to pass a background check (to be safe with women and children) and be committed to learning and growing! Costs: typical costs are $800-$1500 flights from the US to Uganda + $2500 ground fees + any needed shots (if you don’t already have yellow fever + typhoid). Dates: January/February + June/July + September/October. (Spring and Fall trips are typically 10 days door to door with summer trips being closer to 2 weeks)



If you want to DO more, there are many ways to get involved. To help with our moms and kids in Uganda, you can:
-help find grants
-do fundraising or collection drives
-sort photos or help Brandi with administrative tasks.
-raise money on your local college campus
-do a clean water fundraiser with your school.
-be an advocate for a particular literacy center and use your voice to gather enough donors until that entire literacy is funded!
-use your birthday to fundraise on Facebook
-approach local businesses and host an auction in your town.
-Wrap Christmas gifts for others and donate the money. (1 family raised money to save a little girl’s life this way!)
-Sew hygiene kits for women who lack menstrual products (contact us to join the FB group for sewing instructions)

The options are as endless as your imagination!

For the leaders who go on our retreats, we also need volunteers. 8 deserving nonprofit leaders go to each retreat. If you make/sell/represent something (literally ANTHING!), send it our way! We love to tell the nonprofit leaders “while so much of your work feels thankless, we want you to know that people around the world are deeply grateful for what you do. You are seen. May these gifts be a chorus singing over you that you are loved and worth loving, just like those you serve.” Send us 8 of whatever you have! Happy shopping, making, etc! If you need sizes, favorite colors, etc for the next group of ladies, let us know by emailing

Contact to get involved today. Note: all volunteer opportunities take place in the US. We do not take volunteers to Uganda as all of the work in Uganda is done by Ugandans.

Send Gifts for Leaders

Send Gifts for Leaders

As a part of our annual retreats for nonprofit leaders, we try to love these women doing hard and holy work EXTRAVAGANTLY. One of the ways we do this is through giving them presents every single a night. A basket of gifts that we tell them represents a chorus from around the world singing over them that their work is needed. To give, send 8 of the same items (one for each woman) to our headquarters. Message us to find out more or to make a donation.
